Conceptual framework of harmful gambling, interactive version

The Conceptual Framework of Harmful Gambling was thoroughly revised in November 2018 and also expanded to cover new issues. The third edition gives a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of factors related to gambling harm. A few days ago the interactive version of the Framework was launched at the GREO website.

A French translation of the full Framework document is available here (Cadre Conceptuel du Jeu Préjudiciable, Troisième Édition).

Although it is seen by many as a form of leisure and recreation, gambling can have serious repercussions for individuals, families, and society as a whole. The harmful effects of gambling have been studied for decades in an attempt to understand individual differences in gambling engagement and the life-course of gambling-related problems. In this publication, we present a comprehensive, internationally relevant conceptual framework of “harmful gambling” that moves beyond a symptoms-based view of harm and addresses a broad set of factors related to population risk, community, and societal effects. Factors included in the framework represent major topics relating to gambling that range from specific (gambling environment, exposure, types, and resources) to general (cultural, social, psychological, and biological). The framework has been created by international, interdisciplinary experts in order to facilitate an understanding of harmful gambling. It reflects the state of knowledge related to factors influencing harmful gambling, and serves a secondary purpose as a guide for the development of future research programs and to educate policy makers on issues related to harmful gambling. Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO) (formerly the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC) located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada) has facilitated the development of the Conceptual Framework of Harmful Gambling and retains responsibility for keeping it up-to-date.

> PDF version
> Online interactive version

Abbott, Max, Per Binde, Luke Clark, David Hodgins, Mark Johnson, Darrel Manitowabi, Lena Quilty, Jessika Spångberg, Rachel Volberg, Douglas Walker & Robert Williams. 2018. Conceptual framework of harmful gambling: An international collaboration, Third Edition. Guelph, Ontario, Canada: Gambling Research Exchange Ontario (GREO).

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