New publication on risk assessment

There is only one gambling studies journal in Sweden: Lotteriinspektionens skriftserie (“Periodical of the Swedish Gambling Authority”). This eminent journal publishes articles about various aspects of gambling, but of course with a focus on legislation and regulation.

The most recent issue (no. 2, 2012) includes articles about the mathematics of gambling, the peculiar definition in Swedish law that a “lottery” not necessarily need to involve stakes (i.e. participation may be free), and how to assess the riskiness of various forms of gambling. The latter text is authored by me. The text is in Swedish but here is an English abstract:

Binde, Per. 2012. Att bedöma spelformers riskfylldhet: En metodologisk diskussion i ett regleringsperspektiv. Lotteriinspektionens skriftserie, No. 2, 1-12. (“How to assess the riskiness of various forms of gambling: A methodological discussion from a regulatory perspective”)

Some forms of gambling are more closely associated with problem gambling than others and are therefore considered to be more risky and harmful. Indications of the relative harmfulness of forms of gambling can be obtained from three principal sources of information: statistics regarding those who seek help for problem gambling, statistics from studies of the prevalence of problem gambling among the general population or part thereof, and risk assessment tools. The advantages and limitations of these three sources of information are discussed. It is concluded that when estimates are going to be made of the relative harmfulness of various forms of gambling, from a regulatory perspective it is advantageous to use information from the three sources in combination.

The article (in Swedish) can be downloaded here.

A conference presentation (in English) of the article is available here

Lotteriinspektionens skriftserie is available here


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